Friday, June 27, 2008

Finishing with menus

After much work and learning I finally finished a basic implementation of menus. All the basic functions work, and now popups send events and they are display on the correct position too. Left is to implement the icons + text, and finish the accelerator keys.

Now I'll move onto trying to boot Eclipse. Still we are short of some widgets, like tree, progressbar, sash, just to name the most important ones.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Popups working,, sort of

Finally I found the reason why the popups where gone right away. The problem, as usual, was a very dumb combination of flags on the WinPopupMenu call. As a result, the item was selected as soon as the popup came up, therefore I couldn't see it. I became suspicious of this when I kept seeing the WM_MENUSELECT and the WM_MENUEND messages, that meant someone was selecting an item.

Now, as usual too, I have new problems. The first is that the command message id not being fired when I select the item on the popup. The second problem is that I'm not closing (disposing) something right, I can tell because I see the WM_MENUEND message only once even though I bring the popup many times and because when I do this many times, after I close the program it takes some seconds to finish the processing.

Once I solve those problems I'll move into completing the API with calls to calculate the cursor position and so forth.

Still, I'm happy this sucker didn't win and I finally can bring up the popups.

Also, I was able to process the events from the menu bar, so now SWT is firing events when I select items on menu bars.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

SVN sync

After much discussion at the news group, I found out that I had no idea how to work with popups. The problem persist when trying to display the popup, this comes up and then it goes away inmediatly.

I have no idea how to solve the problem. For some reason the control receives a WM_MENUEND.

The other problem is that the menu commands are not being sent. I haven't paid much attention to this problem, since it seems that it will be easier to solve.
I feel I need to join one of the SWT developers group since I have lots of questions on what is the expected behavior on SWT controls.

On better news, I was able to connect to netlabs directly from my OS/2 at home using SmartSVN. This opens the door to keep the sources in sync with the repository, making my life easier. I tried before but I couldn't connect. I have no idea how the problem was solved.

Still feeling pretty lonely here. I was wondering if I could upload to netlabs the developing image I made. Probably I could but the licences the image contains are not free, but then again, who cares about VAC++ 4.0, a product that was abandoned a LONG time ago... oh well