Friday, July 31, 2009

Notebooks and more notebooks

I took a short vacation and I didn't work on the code at all. At that time I had the problem of double click on tabs would cause a redraw of the window. That problem was solved by not using the autosize flag on the creation of the tab.

Then came the problem of the size and position of the application window inside the tab. I did a lot of testing and finally I understood how to calculate the Y coordinate.

After that the problem was that the initial drawing of the top page didn't happen and that was solved by implementing the drawing on the WM_SIZE message. This also solved the resizing problem I was seeing in the Control examples from Eclipse.

Now on to implement the mouse operations. The Control example doesn't work at all because the notebook is not processing mouse events.

Also on the list should be the drawing of the text happens using os/2 coordinates and it should be using the SWT coordinates

That's all for now....

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