Monday, November 5, 2007

Group done,,... next ...????

Ok, I finished implementing the Group class. I completed the getClientArea method. That solved the problem of displaying a group without any text on it.

I also discovered that the problem with the setText method wasn't there . The problem seems to be associated with the PSZ class. When I create a PSZ using an empty string,, it crashes and burns (on any setText method). I tried a couple of short solutions but they didn't work. I guess I'll try a stronger medicine.

Now about the future. I have no idea where to go now. I know I don't have the skills to solve the problems with the tabfolder class and to implement the Menu class. I'm thinking on working on the launcher app. As soon as I get the sources back I'll include them in the repository.In the mean time I could just look around the code and finish unimplemented functions (there are all over the place)

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